Jet Gunner


Travel to the past to experience an incredible adventure in an 8-bit world.

Jet Gunner is a platform game packed with action and some nostalgia, because although it is a game of 2014, Jet Runner will transport you to another era, one in which the games had 8-bit graphics and were made with only a few colours.

In Jet Gunner although we travel to the past, you'll never feel the adrenaline of those games at the time in which the action is most important. Throughout your adventure shootings, explosions and of course, enemies to defeat will dominate. And to end each level, you'll fight the level boss and then the final boss.

As a hero of Jet Gunner you’ll have to travel in the bowels of an aircraft, for six long stages, where you'll find weapons with which to defeat your enemies. If you pay close attention, you might find access to some extra ammo level where you can recharge and extend your adventure to other limits. In addition, to give more excitement to the game, there’s a challenge mode where you have to complete a total of twenty additional difficult challenges, and of course, features an achievement system to complete so that you never get tired of the game.

As to be expected to pay tribute to the great games of the late 1980s and early 1990s, that marked an era, not only does Jet Gunner consists of pixelated 8-bit graphics, but also music and sound effects worthy of this adventure, in which the graphics flicker. And all this for free!


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